Drugs, Depression & Antidepressants > How the Mind Works

How the Mind Works

The amazing human mind: Neuroscience is amazing and sketchie at best. Every few years we learn a life time of information, which we only find is incorrect a few years later. There are constantly amazing studies being performed which explain how the mind works as we continue to learn more about our organ which processes the world around us. While I do not like the idea of making incisions in the brains of monkeys to show how inactive portions of the mind are used by active portions, people have done it.

Parts of the Mind: First of all, you have to understand that the mind has different parts, each with different functions. Some parts take inputs, others control memory, and some are associated with emotion. All these parts of the mind intertwine in various ways.

The Mind at Idle: Much like the internet, the human mind is a web spans thousands of miles and is interconnected by electrical impulses. For our mind to be ready to operate efficiently we always have some amount of backround noise present. This noise, or these random transmissions are like a car running at idle.

Neurotransmitter Networks: The brain has different neurotransmitter networks. Each type of neurotransmitter has its own specific set of functions and properties. Some control mood and hunger, some send signals to other organs, and some just sense pain or pressure.

Signals are continuasly firing randomly throughout the brain. Only when these signals synchronize in the mind do we actually complete thoughts. Each brain cell has input and output branches which come near the surrounding brain cells. The area between two branches between brain cells is called the synapse. When neurotransmitters carry a signal from one brain cell to another it triggers a reaction in the receiving cell. This process repeated many times over completes the thought process. As this pattern goes from one part of the brain to another, we refine our action by attaching emotions to stimuli or even recalling past events and necissary reactions.

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Drugs, Depression & Antidepressants > How the Mind Works